22nd Mar 2024

Someone’s Director

… in feature films, hi the Director


In feature films, hi the Director – in branded content, hello the Creator.

Shoot a few scenes out of focus, then with focus some more scenes I created. Pop.Tree movies are straight to the emotions, deep into the twilight room of the soul – making merry the viewer’s heart when found on everyone’s tab.

Like, Comment, Share & Watch out for more —> C.C.M.Picture from the production of Someone’s Director.

Pop.Tree — the architect of captivating human stories, orchestrating the scripted drama, characters, and intrigue of real-life experiences into compelling narratives. Identify raw talents, unfiltered moments and capture the authenticity of human emotions and interactions that make for great television.

Excellent Communicator, A Masterful Observer, Skilled Creator. Telling stories that entertain, inspire, and most times challenge the viewers’ perspectives on life.

Engage C.C.M.Picture from the production of Someone’s Director

Convener - Founder/CEO

A. Adekunle ALIU (Direct A)