12rd Mar 2024


Pop.Tree: Establish a Legacy upon Premium & Professional Personalities.


T.A.Beauty a renowned brand in the entertainment industry recognized and rewards its exceptional talents with an extraordinary gesture. The Sponsors, Producers, and Directors of Pop.Tree Elite Hangout & Live Photoshoot decided to present two distinct personalities with an Independent Personality Cheque, symbolizing their value and significance within the brand.


The first personality who received the honor is the Premium Personality. This individual has consistently displayed remarkable talent, dedication, and a unique flair that sets her apart. The Sponsors, Producers, and Directors believe that this chosen individual embodies the essence of Pop.Tree’s vision and represents the epitome of excellence.


The second personality that was recognized is the Pro Personality. This individual has exhibited outstanding professionalism, versatility, and a strong work ethic. She has consistently delivered exceptional performances and has become an integral part of the Pop.Tree family. The Sponsors, Producers, and Directors of Pop.Tree are confident that the Pro Personality will continue to shine brightly in her future endeavors, bringing even more glory to the brand.

The value of this cheque is not solely monetary but represents a profound acknowledgment of the talent and contributions of the recipients. Pop.Tree has always been committed to nurturing and empowering its cast and models, recognizing their individuality and providing a platform for them to flourish. The brand believes in promoting diverse talents and appreciating their unique abilities, so the decision to grant an Independent Personality Cheque to the chosen individuals was met with overwhelming enthusiasm and support.

The chosen individuals will represent the brand as Pop.Tree Cast & Models, becoming ambassadors of style, creativity, and professionalism. The brand anticipates a bright and promising future for the Premium Personality and the Pro Personality, as they continue to make their mark in the entertainment industry.

As Pop.Tree continues to evolve and set new standards, the brand is proud to support and recognize the exceptional talents that contribute to its success. The iPC reflects the brand’s dedication to nurturing and empowering its cast and models, ensuring that they receive the recognition they truly deserve and RTID – Rich Till I Die. •Writers •Producers •Directors •Cinematographers •Editors •Casts •Models •Influencers •Sponsors •Brands •Businesses reach out to build partnerships.

A Life Coach – Reality Producer


Convener - Founder/CEO

A. Adekunle ALIU (Direct A)